Thursday, July 9, 2015

2 Individual Items up for TRADE

Sorry it has been so long, but my "work" has kept me pretty busy!

As of now, I have TWO items up for TRADE!

Our mascot...the origami swan and the 100th Anniversary Edition Etch-A-Sketch.

The Swan:

I have for TRADE a cracker from Skyline Chili on Hilliard Rome Road, Hilliard, Ohio, that was "messed" up during processing and formed to look like an origami swan! I am looking to trade it. Please email me with the item you are interested in trading, a PHOTO of the item, and where you are located in Ohio or where ever you are located.

I found this cracker about 10 years ago while eating in their restaurant. I have kept it safe since. It is a little more "orange" than their original crackers are, but it is in perfect condition. If you have any questions, please email us and we will get back to you ASAP!

The Etch-A-Sketch:

Up for grabs right now is... 100th Anniversary Etch-A-Sketch. No outer box, but NEVER been used!!

What do you want to trade?

To make a trade, email me your offer with a picture!

Friday, January 11, 2013

100th Anniversary Etch-A-Sketch

Well, it took awhile, but we finally managed to trade the coupon. As you recall, the coupon was for a free bag of chips, sent to us by Frito Lay for sending them a picture of our smiling potato chip.

As the title of this post implies, the item we traded for was a real step up! A One-Hundredth Anniversary Etch-A-Sketch, perfect for a collector. Check it out:

Ooooooh... Shiny....

As usual, leave a comment or email us to give us an offer! The game of Bigger and Better can't be played by one; we need other people to make us offers we can't pass up!

Happy trading,


Sunday, September 23, 2012


The people in the Midwest are so...rude! I have put my coupon for a FREE bag of full size chips from Frito-Lay (valued at $4.29) and I have only received "trade offers" for fart in a jar (really, that was one), five bottles of alcohol (as long as I am over 21), a coupon for a free cup of coffee, and a few miscellaneous, obnoxious comments. Seriously?? I have never been on CraigsList and thought about emailing a ridiculous post and say something offensive (of course, I am not a say something offensive person), but it just amazes me that people are so comfortable on the internet that they feel totally "safe" by sending a message by email. IF I knew what I was doing (and was that type of person) the little email entity would not be a problem. But, because I am not like that, they are safe...and I am praying for them.

Another thing that is amazing is that my posts keep getting flagged and removed. REALLY?? Since when is it against their Terms of Use to trade a COUPON for FREE food for something else? I could trade for a used movie, a used book, a box of broken crayons...anything that is just laying around, collecting dust, and not being used, but instead, I get flagged and removed. AWESOME!

So, this coupon is moving MUCH SLOWER than I thought it would go. I figured I would have at least twenty legitimate offers for a trade...but not even one good one (well, except the alcohol). I am going to make a trade for it by the end of this month. So, seven more days of posting and flagging on CraigsList, Facebook promotions on OrigamiCrackers, and trying to find new and improved ways of trading up for something better than a bag of chips.

If you have an offer you would like to make to us...leave us a comment!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Resolved Flaw

I told A it wouldn't work.

Well, okay, I did it in my head, but who am I to tell her it she was wrong? I figured it was worth a shot.

You see, recently, R noticed what I noticed not long after we started this idea: a rarely shaped cracker and a rarely marked chip with no definite value is really not a good thing to trade.

Think about it: how can you trade for something bigger or better (or at all) if you have no idea what a thing is truly worth? And when you're doing that with two things? Psh. The chances of that succeeding were slim to nil, although not totally impossible.

Even still, we now have a new idea. We sent in a picture of the smiling chip to Frito Lay, who makes the Classic Potato Chips, which is exactly where we got said chip - in a bag, by that very company. Turns out, they get that stuff a decent amount, and they sent us a coupon for a free bag of chips.

You understand where I'm going with this.

Instead of trading with the origami cracker and smiling chip, were going to trade with the coupon. It's got a definite, tangible value, and we can therefore trade for something bigger and better.

Wish us luck, and feel free to ask for a trade or leave a comment!

- L.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

So, It Started With an Idea...

And a conversation, for that matter. Wondering what we were going to do, especially to earn money and preferably together, we were at a loss.

In all honesty, I don't remember where our conversation had actually led. All I truly remember was that I said something, and then she said, "Hey! What about this?"

Origami Crackers was born in that simple five minutes.

We truly feel it was God, because it seemed to walk into our heads, fully formed and ready to take off. We made this blog to tell you, our readers, about our journeys and all that happens during this faith-filled walk.

So what is Origami Crackers, you may ask? Put simply, it is an amateur, traveling bartering line. With odds and ends. As unclear as that was, I feel it to be an accurate description. You see, what we plan to do is this: take one potato chip with a smiley face on it and one oyster cracker that went through the machine wrong so it looks exactly like an origami swan, and turn it into something - or multiple somethings - worth roughly four-hundred thousand dollars.

Have I piqued your curiosity yet?

You may be wondering how we plan on doing this great feat, and it's simple: we're not. God is. But aside from that fact, we plan on trading - hence where the bartering comes in. We trade the potato chip and cracker for, as an example, some antique glass - trade the antique glass for a signed baseball, which we trade for a thousand dollars - oops! We traded for money! However, that doesn't mean our chain ends - we just start a new chain! Maybe take an intricate nesting doll set and trade it, et cetera...

We pretty much plan to just let God work this out for us, with us doing only what he tells us to do; because then it will be a success for sure.

Feel free to follow us, share us, or comment below (anonymous welcome!). If we ever get something and you would like to trade with us, feel free to let us know. Also, if we don't have something you would like yet, but want us to keep an eye out for a particular item, again, feel free to tell us. If you have any questions, you can ask us those as well - we don't bite.

Until next time,

- L.

P.S. Here's the cracker and chip - aren't they cute?

 Mr. Smiley Potato (I named him Jordan.)

 Andy's good side...
 ... and his better side!

I'm going to miss them when they're gone. (Oh, and we'll let them go together or separately.)